Godly Quotes on Love, God Quotes about Life, & Godly Bible Quotes about Faith

Godly Quotes on Love, God Quotes About Life, & Godly Bible Quotes About Faith

Positive Godly Quotes Trust | Godly Healing Quotes

The world of God is full of infinite possibilities, boundless compassion, and unending mercy.

All the holy scriptures of the world are nothing more than letters sent by God to human beings.

To love another person to the fullest and without any maliciousness in the heart is to see the real face of God.

We are closet to God when we are in the most profound adversities.

No matter how hard human beings strive to build their enormous empires, God is, and God will always be in charge of this kingdom.

Eliminate all those things hindering your meeting with God and discover who you are by adopting godliness.

If you have the courage to follow Jesus’s commandments, God will shower your life with heavenly pleasures.

Everything prevailing in this existence is created by God and has a purpose to serve to fulfill destiny.

Life should be all about pursuing God’s purpose, rest is just wasting your valuable time.

You don’t meet God when you want to. You only meet God when he has prepared you well to meet him.

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